Regatta Protocols:
Upon Arrival:
Clubs will arrive and unload boats into their designated areas (see attached graphic)
Arriving athletes will be required to go to their designated area, no congregating in public areas
Clubs will be required to stay in their designated area unless racing or using the washroom or using the water station
Clubs on the lake (MM, SE, BA) will be required to stay on-site at their own club unless racing.
All participants, coaches, and officials will wear a mask when social distancing is not possible.
During Competition
All participants are encouraged to sanitize hands regularly. I.e. pre/post-race, before and after touching equipment, etc.
The use of full-sized boats will be allowed to reduce the amount of sharing of equipment.
All clubs using the Racing Centre docks should have athletes exit for a race using the right-hand side of the dock and return on the adjacent side.
All previous protocols will be abided by with regards to equipment cleaning and cohorts.
Shared equipment will be sanitized between uses
Club members must remain with their club and cohort of 10
All public health protocols are required to be followed
At no time are spectators permitted to enter the designated club areas and the competition venue except in the case of a medical emergency.
Only athletes that are competing are permitted to enter the athlete area and competition venue.
Crew boats should be comprised of participants within their already assigned pods.
Facilities Notes:
All docks will be sprayed down by ADCKC staff
Washrooms will be made available at the Atlantic Racing Centre, they will be mixed gender with a designated athletes washroom, there will be a coach/ officials/ staff washroom designated as well. Athletes will enter via the stairs on the side of the building and exit using the ramp. Signage will be provided.
The water station will be made available for athletes; one athlete/coach at a time will be allowed to use the water station at a time.
Sharing of singlets is not permitted; old singlets or an appropriately coloured shirt are the recommended choices.
Clubs are responsible for their own sprayers & sanitizers and PPE.
All clubs are required to keep attendance of athletes & staff at the venue.
Coaches will not be allowed to enter the tower, all communications will be via phone.